Monday, November 19, 2007

How to do your laundry

How to do Laundry

How to do your laundry? Some think this is a really easy task and everyone should know how to do their laundry, but others have no clue what to do first. Some may think that you just throw all the clothes together and turn on the washing machine and the rest is done from there. That is not how it happens though. Washing the clothes is only one step in doing laundry. Washing the clothes is only the first part. You cannot just throw your clothes in the washing machine and think the rest is going to be done for you by the machine. It takes about and hour and a half to do one load of laundry. Before you just throw all your dirty clothes in the washing machine you must go through a few steps. Doing laundry consist of separating the darks and lights before you ever put them into the washing machine. Then you have to know what size load to put it on, if it should be hot or cold water, how much detergent to use, and how long to put it in for. You also have to know if you should put it on delicates or normal. Every washing machine has different setting, but they are all similar. If you are washing light colors then you can use detergent with bleach, but if you are washing dark colors you do not want to use detergent with bleach. Usually the clothes wash for thirty to forty-five minutes. Then you take the clothes out of the washing machine and put them in the dryer. Not all clothes can go in the dryer, so you should hang those up to dry. Then you set the timer for fifty to sixty minutes. Before you turn on the dryer you must check the lent screen and clean it out. This makes the clothes dry faster. Also for the best effect you should put one dryer sheet in with the clothes. This makes the clothes softer. After the clothes are dry you need to take them out immediately, because if you do not your clothes will get wrinkled. Then for the best outcome of your clothes you should fold them right when you take them out of the dryer. Doing your laundry also consist of maybe ironing your clothes. Not all items of clothing can or need to be ironed, but to make the clothes that can be ironed look the best your should iron them. Some clothes that you would not iron are items like wool, some silks, and some others. When all the steps are complete you are finished with one load of laundry. However, just because you did your laundry at your home or at a laundry mat, there are other alternatives to do your laundry. Some items of clothing cannot be put in the regular washing machine and wash the normal way with most of the other clothes. This is why you take them to the dry cleaners. All you do is take the clothes that do not need to go in the washing machine and drop them off at the dry cleaners. They will ask you if you would like starch or no starch. If you get starch, your clothes is will be really stiff when you come back to pick them up. It depends on what dry cleaners you take your clothes to, but most places usually have your clothes finished in two days. Another reason to take your clothes to the dry cleaners is if you have a stain on your clothes. The dry cleaners can usually get out just about any stain. The dry cleaners is a more expensive way to wash your clothes, but the clothes you usually take to the dry cleaners are more expensive. In conclusion, washing your clothes is only one part of doing your laundry. Once you know what steps to do, it is not that hard to do your laundry.

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