My name is Catherine Cook and I am from Athens, Georgia. I lived in Atlanta for the first seven years of my life.
When I was five years old I went into the woods with my brother and his four friends to "run away". It became dark, very fast and we realized we did not want to run away anymore but when we looked around we did not know where we had ended up. We were lost for hours until my brother’s friend Ty realized that in order to get home we had to cross a shallow river. All the boys had crossed and I refused because I did not want to get my dress dirty. They left me after giving me five chances to cross and I sat alone, crying for what felt like hours, until three police officers came and rescued me. They carried me across the river and took me home where I saw three police cars in my driveway and furious parents waiting to punish me.
Years later when I was fifteen, I had jaw surgery, which made me look completely different in just six hours. They cut five millimeters of bone across the top of my mouth off and rotated my entire jaw forward causing my chin to move forward, my cheeks more prominent, my nose wider, and my gums not show when I smile. Along with rotating my jaw forward they implanted my top lip to match my new face. I looked completely different after the surgery; many people did not recognize my “new” face after the three month recovery.
Why did you have to have jaw surgery
I think every kid has tried to run away once in their life. When i was young i ran away and left my parents a note. It was a saturday and they were working in the yard all day long. it was a couple of hours later that i became scared and ran home. When i saw my mom i thought i was going to get in trouble but then when i told her i was sorry for running away they had no idea that i had even left the house.
thats awesome you had jaw surgery too!! i can't believe your brother and his friends left you...poor thing
I would have done the same thing you did... sat there and cried until someone came and got me.
It's a great irony that you ran away to the "wild" woods and then got stuck because you didn't want to get your dress dirty--great story.
I wonder too--how come the jaw surgery?
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