Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A Random Aaron Hupp Story

A searing, burning sensation overcame my leg. My determination had become my undoing once again. I’d finally gone too far and more than likely scarred my leg for life. To elaborate, my parents had given me a metal molder for Christmas and my eight year-old patience was wearing thin. So, I took matters into my own hands and set up the machine that distinctly said, “Use under adult supervision”. Adult supervision is overrated. This weapon of mass destruction melted little pellets into miniature figurines. The only problem was you were supposed to wait fifteen minutes after the silver lava had been poured; however, I lived by a different time standard. After stealing away into the laundry room, I waited with baited breath as the pellets melted into a creamy silver liquid. Pouring, ever so slowly, my conquest was almost complete. Only fifteen minutes to cool. Ten minutes should be adequate; instructions are meant to be changed. The possibility that my newly made figure could still be hot was mind boggling, preposterous even. Plugging ahead, I opened the mold and tried to retrieve my prize, yet it fought back. It Burned my hand and my leg, cause i dropped it, in one swoop. Adult supervision is underrated. My shame overwhelmed me and I attempted to hide it from my parents. Eventually at the pool with my shorter swim trunks and leg unveiled, I was discovered. A sneaky kid I am not.


tippstein said...

Jeese-Louise! That's a terrible story. But...from a writerly standpoint, great narrative, and full of a lot of vivid details.

mnsupple said...

your parents let you play with hot liquid metal...not fair

Chase said...

I actually made small figurines like that in shop-class one time. I think the most fun part of it was melting the pellets.